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The   World   Economic   Forum’s  annual   meeting   at   Davos   is   the   most   powerful gathering  of  global  leadership  from  all  fields  including  business.  It  is  arguably  the most prestigious event in the world.

The town  of  Davos  turns  into  a global   networking   village   during   the  WEF   meetings.   Many   countries,   industry associations  and  large  businesses  covert  the  hotels,  street-side  shops,  cafes  and open  spaces  into  networking  lounges  and  hundreds  of  meetings  and  receptions take place. Being there is a unique experience and also a brand statement.

Indo-Swiss    Center    brings    this    opportunity    through    its    India-World    Business Leadership  Summit  to  be  held  at  Steigenberger Grand  Hotel  Belvedere  situated  in the close proximity of the Congress Center.

The Summit provides an opportunity to be a part of the action in Davos during the WEF week and meet with the Indian business leaders interested in partnering with the Swiss and global businesses.

Whether you are interested in entering the markets in India, availing services from India or Make in India, the summit provides an opportunity to gain insights into doing so and make some valuable contacts.


Please contact us at for more details

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